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A Japanese Transwoman

In 2003 she became the first openly trans municipal official in the Setagawa ward assembly of Tokyo

She helped pass a law that allowed trans people to change their sex on their koseki (family register) and is still fighting for more laws today.

She was born in 1968

Researched by Kayoko Mayede

​A black lesbian feminist who wrote about the intersectionality of her identities.

A poet, essayist, autobiographer, civil rights activist, and speaker who went beyond the norm.

Founded the "Kitched Table: Women of Color Press" in the 1980s

She was born in 1934

She died in 1992

Researched by Gray White

The class read different sources and then answered questions in order for the class to better understand the varying views of archives.

Group 1: Intro to Archives

Group 2: Queer Archives

Group 3: Power and Archives

Group 4: Queering Archives

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