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A bisexual woman who uses she/they pronouns

They advocate for the LGBTQ+ community with their music

She provides representation for young queer people today

They were born in 1994

Researched by Allison Etrata

He was an openly gay artist, who claimed to make art that didn't revlove around being gay

He did not align himself with the latino or gay artist communities as he felt he didn't fit in either of the groups

He made several works around the AIDS epidemic since both him and his boyfriend had it

Some of his most notable works were his candy spill pieces

He was born in 1957

He died in 1996

Researched by Breanne Martel

A South African gender-nonconforming lesbian activist and film maker

In 1995 they were the first out lesbian to speak to the UN

They helped found the Gay and Lesbian Organization of Witwaterstrand (GLOW)

GLOW made South Africa the first country to have LGBTQ+ rights in their constitution

GLOW also organized the first South African Pride Parade

They were born in 1971

Researched by Taiji Morgan

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